Here is the best advice you can get on buying a home in 2021...
Wait until 2022. Let me explain why this is my advice. If afterwards you're still bound and determined to buy a house in 2021, I'll provide you a 3-step plan to put yourself in the best possible position to get a home.
Why Wait Until 2022?
Purchasing a home to live in as your primary residence is an incredibly large commitment. Over the years, I've assembled many helpful teachings on home buying. One of my main rules is not to resell a primary residence for at least five years, which means you're making a five-year commitment. Meanwhile, we are experiencing historic low inventory levels in America right now. Here are some numbers to demonstrate just how bad it is:
- Inventory level in 2006: 4 million properties available for sale.
- Inventory level in 2021: 1.4 million properties available for sale.
What makes this even more crazy is that there are more real estate agents than there are properties for sale. Furthermore, this 1.4 million includes all properties, including the luxury and higher end. And when we look at the inventory of properties for sale under $300,000, that statistic is just a tiny fraction of the total inventory. It's not just that there is a lack of inventory, there's a gigantic lack of inventory in affordable price points. So if you are trying to make a five-year commitment, you don't have a lot of options and that's why it makes sense to wait until 2022. Why will there be more options in 2022? Well, there were two key pieces of COVID related legislation which should lead to more inventory.
Eviction Moratorium: This legislation was proved unconstitutional by a federal judge recently, but it has had a dramatic impact on landlords across America. They haven't been able to evict their non-paying tenants for over a year now and plenty of landlords are counting down the days when they can finally get rid of that deadbeat tenant. Then they can fix the house up and sell the property. The upside of this is that many of these properties are more affordable because most landlords’ own properties at lower price points since those are the only ones that cash flow. So this could be encouraging if you're looking to buy.
We're hopeful that there will be some new inventory coming on the market once this expires. However, there is a massive backlog of eviction cases in the court system so it's going to take time. I'm predicting at least six months or more.
Foreclosure Moratorium: This is set to expire on September 30th; however foreclosures take a long time to process in most states. It can take up to a year or more for a foreclosure to finalize, so this wouldn’t impact inventory until mid to late 2022. It doesn't appear that there will be a flush of new inventory hitting the market though since recent statistics are showing that the percentage of past due borrowers is plummeting to almost pre-COVID levels. Many people are catching up on their mortgage or working out permanent loan modifications with their lenders. There are also several federal organizations that are putting pressure on loan servicers to exhaust every form of loss mitigation before considering foreclosure.
More Inventory in 2022
So this is not going to be a tsunami of foreclosures as some people are predicting, but it may bring some new inventory. It’s not going to flood the market and cause property values to plummet. Instead it will give friends, family and those that are looking to buy a home a few more options than there are right now. And if you're looking for a higher end property, you might have more options as we get into latter part of 2022. With little to no options right now in the housing market, it makes sense to wait until 2022 and see how these two pieces of legislation impact inventory. Remember, when you make a five-year commitment you need to choose wisely.
Why Buy in 2021?
Low Interest Rates: Some people want to buy now, and they have made the argument that interest rates are low and might not remain low. Of course, lower interest rates make a home a lot more affordable. I put a video together a couple of months ago called Housing Is Booming, Will It Bust? in which I discussed a lot of different factors, one being interest rates. For years people have been saying interest rates can't stay this low. But they have. So I don't know what's going to happen to interest rates, but you can't simply use the argument it won’t stay low forever. People have been using that argument since 2015 and the interest rates did stay low. However, low interest rates are a legitimate reason to buy now.
Rising Property Values: Another reason to buy now is if properties continue to appreciate. That could be the case and would mean it will be even less affordable to buy a year from now. But again, we're talking about a five-year commitment and you want to choose wisely.
Personal Reasons: Then there are personal reasons such as getting a job transfer or going through a major life change.
3-Step Game Plan for 2021
So if you're bound and determined to buy in 2021, here is a 3-step game plan to put yourself in the best possible position to get that home.
1 – Be Ready
Know What You Want: You need to know exactly what you're looking for. I put a video together almost a decade ago explaining this concept. This is hard for many people. A lot of people don't know what they want in life. If you want to get a house in 2021 and you want to get one that you like, you need to know what you like and what you don't.
The narrower your focus the better. You need to know exactly how many bedrooms, bathrooms, and garages you need. Where do you want to be located? How big of a yard do you want? Knowing exactly what you want means you can be laser focused and set up Zillow or notifications.
Pre-Qualify for a Loan: You also need to be ready financially. If you are going with a conventional loan as a typical home buyer, you need to get prequalified. The two largest loan providers are Quicken Loans and Wells Fargo. They do so much volume that their closing costs and loan fees are minimal. If you're going non-conventional, I have a video on the whole subject of non-QM for rental property, but it also applies to those potential homeowners that can't go conventional. So make sure you're dialed in on your money because when that deal comes, you need to act immediately.
2 – Act Instantly
It is crucial you act instantly. I mean, within a few minutes of getting the notification from or of the property that you know you're going to like, you need to go look at it. We’re talking within 30 minutes, and you might be way too late.
My assistant recently bought a property. I was on the phone with her when she said, "I'm hanging up. This is the property." She was there in 15 minutes. Now, she is licensed so she didn't have to coordinate with a buyer's agent and made an offer there on the spot. It was for more than the list price, and she got it. It was a decent deal. So it is possible, but she had to act instantly.
Buyers Agent: This also means that you need to have a buyer's agent. And that buyer's agent needs to be someone who lives by their phone 24/7. Because ultimately, you will need to get into that house within 10 to 20 minutes of it being listed. You need to act instantly, and you need a buyer's agent that when you text them and say, "Here's the one", they get in their car and meet you there in 20 minutes. That's how fast you need to move.
3 – Offer Aggressively
What is great for us right now as investors is all the multiple offer situations. We put a property on the market and get 15 to 20 offers. Our record in 2021 is over a hundred offers on one property! Now, how you can somewhat avoid that situation is by putting your best foot forward first. When that property is listed and you get there in 15 minutes and look at it, you then need to make the most aggressive offer you can.
Price: Now, when we talk about aggressiveness, we're talking about price of course. You would know how high you could go based on the pre-qualification.
Terms: You also need to be aggressive as it relates to terms. Things like having a short inspection period. Have a list of inspectors on speed dial and go down the list and see who can get there the fastest. Another aggressive term would be a larger escrow or deposit. Or making the closing date as short as possible, especially if you're preparing with the prequal and you know you can close quickly.
Avoid a Multiple Offer Situation: To go back to my assistant's example, she avoided a multiple offer situation by getting accepted before the onslaught of offers came in, which they did. The offers all came in the next day and that seller would've sold it for a lot more, but they agreed to my assistant's deal. It was within an hour of it being listed and she had the contract printed out and brought it with her. Follow these 3 steps and you put yourself in the best possible position to get a home in 2021.
Thank you, great informative video as usual. In NY many Landlords waited on eviction proceed to sell the houses. They are tiered of non paying rent and harassing tenants.
My husband and I are disabled senior citizens and we are trying to get set up on the Government’s $17,500 downpayment program for first time buyers. Do you have any advice on how to get that done in Clute,TX?
I don’t think that exists although it has been proposed. I doubt it will happen with the extreme lack of inventory; especially affordable houses.
No bull shit straight to the ground of things ! How do I get my first rental or flipped house doing exactly what step for step . I have a 700 credit score got a few grand put up ‘ but would like the other people money method and no credit if possible. I been procrastinating for a long time . I want you to mentor me and give me the laid out blue print I’ll get off my ass cause I am a hustler and I’m tired of working for other folks ! If I have to pay you cool ‘ I’m not a video or work shop kind of guy a need it raw and uncut no chaser, I be skeptic about every dam thing on YouTube like everyone trying to sale me shit . But I came to the conclusion ain’t nothing free but to call the police ‘ so if you can help me let me no !
Follow what is taught on this free course: Creative Real Estate Investing & Flipping Houses.
Wonderful video Phil!
Excellent information…how to handle it.
We where about to sell our home and property, but have decided to holdout. We don’t want to be forced to purchase a new one….with the market as it is now.
Take care,
Can i buy house not money down use othet people money is that good ideal
If you find an ultra motivated seller! Learn more here: How to Buy Real Estate Without Cash or Credit
How can I get my first deal with no money for emd as people are now asking for 3k to 9k upfront and my credit is 500 , my business credit is new with no history or revenue pushed through my business account and my bank account is hatch bank online banking
Find an ultra motivated seller, off market. Learn more here: How to Buy Real Estate Without Cash or Credit
How do I get your free copy of investing in real estate thank you
Here you go: How to be a Real Estate Investor
Hi , my name is Jeffrey Shepherd , and this is my first time buying a new house , I need advise on point
Wait until 2022. And watch my playlist on Home Buying. This is the very same advice I give to my friends and family too.
Thank you for the tips of buying in 2022 and 2021. I am a first time buyer/ owner. My big problem in buying a home and be pre-qualified is my FICO Score of 589 because of my Old Deliquent History (5) yrs ago, Loan, Credit Card and Student Loan (still paying). I have a good job with 80K income annually plus 401K with 30K savings, HSA insurance with guaranteed 8K when I decided to retire next yr 67 yrs old. Do I have to wait 2022 for better selection of single fam home with (2) bed & 2 bath plus (2) garage here in Tustin, CA? I had some Listings at 300K Condo in Santa Ana, CA given by my agent. Thank you
Hire a professional to repair your credit and to teach you how to add new tradelines to build up your score as well. If you want to someday get a conventional mortgage, you need to start improving that credit score now. By 2022, your credit could be in the high 600s; just in time to find your first home. OR, learn creative investing techniques and don’t worry about your credit: Creative Financing Comparison (Owner Financing vs Subject To vs Contract for Deed vs Lease Option)
Great video!! I was shocked to see that you didn’t mention investing in tax sale properties. What is your view on that market?
Those are “ON-Market” in my opinion. All kinds of competition from investors far more funded than you. You can join that dog fight if you like.
Hey Phil!!!
Good afternoon! thank you so much to put together this video!
I love to watch your videos when they come out. They are so so educational. I have learned a lot from them. The way you explain things and how much enthusiasm you put into these videos is very special–lovely!!. Keep it up. It gives a lot of positive energy to the audience.
Question: I am curious to know if you ever had or will ever do a video on how to locate, buy, develop, build a home of your own desire on a piece of land/lot. Would really appreciate that.
Best of luck to you and have a great weekend.
Don’t build. Buy existing. I have videos explaining why you should build from the ground up, but instead, should buy existing (and remodel if you want to customize it). Especially now, with material costs as high as they are. Buy existing.
Hi Phil, We’re fixing our condo to sell and it’s worth about 450 to 500 thousand. We like South Carolina for home prices and taxes. We can do airb&bs for awhile. I’m interested in filpping some also.
I don’t have enough money now to buy a normal house but I think that a mobile home what do suggest me.
I love mobile homes that are on their own land that you can retire the title. See Mobile Home Flipping Formula
We binge watched Phil videos when selling our 1st home which set us up for successfully renting then buying our next home. Now we are happily settled and still listening to what Phil has to say.
The advice in this video is fantastic and we will be sharing with family who are looking to buy right now.
Thank you Phil, your passion for real estate done right is such a blessing to others!
Most honest advice I’ve heard yet!!
Thanks so much for taking out your time to break all the hipe about buying a home in 2021. I would say I’m pretty versed on all the reasons you gave not to buy and wait until 2022. I currently have a home. I bought it before the pandemic in 2018 when the market was good for buyers and I managed to snag a motivated seller. With that said, what advice would you give to someone like me who’s thinking about selling in the future?
Line up your new home, move into it, and then sell your current one. That’s what my brother did. He listed his old home today and has 5 offers as of right now.
I found my dream retirement home on 2.78 acres with a nice size creek running through the back of it. 3 bd 2 ba with 18×12 loft and a garage. Seller is asking 169,000 cash only as the property was left in a will. I would like to purchase more land surrounding in the future and turn it into a water park of sorts. I have property in the city that I could pull $1500 month in rent with no overhead except property tax yearly.
Don’t buy it unless you can get title insurance. And if you can get title insurance, you can get a loan to purchase it.
I did my first flip in the mid nineties. Market was what would be considered normal with average days on market, etc. Now just about all the listed houses have an offers day scheduled by the listing agent. Every house Ive seen in the last 6 months has had an offers day and drew many many offers. No such thing as being first there and getting the house quickly. I believe its virtually impossible to make money as an investor in this market in Winnipeg, Canada right now. Like Phil said people a way over-paying for even houses in poor repair. Very skeptical off market purchasing is really much of a thing here.
Find your deals OFF MARKET, like we do, and you will make a fortune.
I love watching your videos! My husband I bought an acre in Florida I Dec with the intention of building a home there. Well, wood has tripled and metal is not only getting more expensive, but the kits are on back order. Our home in Maryland is almost ready for Market, but we don’t know if we should take the money and rent until prices go down or wait to sell. My husband and I will be building the home with the help of subs. I’m afraid that if we wait to sell, the economy will crash and there goes our profit. It happened in 2009. What would you do?
I would be very slow to build right now. Material costs may come down in a year or two. Meanwhile, your current home will most likely go up in value. This is NOT 2009.
Aloha Phil may I say this was Very informative. I’m building a home and once complete (final inspection) want to sell and move. I was worried constantly that it wasn’t happening fast enough in the work here also due to the massive shortage, having to move fast and compete against other buyers etc etc. worried I’d get stuck out here in paradise haha. My question – in your View how does the unheard of Jump in price of building materials (along with shortages and delays) affect this future scenario ? That is bound to cause some issues as well I would think.
The rapid rise in building materials has reduced builders activity which has further exacerbated the low inventory levels. Furthermore, it has driven demand for existing homes because home builders have to price their new builds much higher than even a few months ago.
Are these advices also valid for canadian market? Great Toronto Area?
The lack of inventory, yes. But I am not aware of the legislation such as an eviction or foreclosure moratorium.
Thankyou for that allready got approved for 450
But what can you really buy in california? Wanted to buy a home out in south carolins rent it 2 years then move out there what you think? Am 64 in ajob dont like live in a mobilehome right now just getting by like to get some rentals but dont know what you think of multifamily?
In California, you can’t buy much for $450,000. But in South Carolina, you would have plenty of options. Buying, living in it for 2 years, and then moving on, is a great strategy for saving on long term capital gains.