Professional baseball legend Darryl Strawberry and famous actor/comedian Chris Tucker had it all in their early twenties. They were household names, had enormous amounts of money and could have whatever they wanted whenever they wanted it. But they both discovered that something was still missing in their lives. In this powerful video, you'll discover what filled the void, what gave them True Freedom and thankfully, you don't have to be a celebrity to get it. True Freedom...
Darryl Strawberry
Phil: What is true freedom and how do you get there? Hi, I'm Phil Pustejovsky with What I teach in my videos is how to achieve financial freedom. In this video, we're going to talk about a different subject, true freedom. I've got some special guests for you that are going to define what true freedom is all about because they are uniquely qualified to do it. Meet Darryl Strawberry, an absolute baseball legend. Multi-all-star, you won a couple of World Series with a couple of teams?
DarryI: I won four, three with the Yankees, and one with the Mets.
Phil: This is one of the greatest baseball players to step on a field. What I want to share with you is some interesting insight that he can reveal from his experiences. Take us back, height of the playing days, you're killing it, give us a slice of your life Darryl.
Darryl: A slice of my life then was young, successful, millions of dollars, had everything but really had nothing. I think a lot of times people want to accumulate a lot of things, wealth, rich and things for their life and really think that's going to fill what's inside of you. It really doesn't. Basically all you do is accumulate a bunch of stuff but the inside is really empty. There's really not a whole lot of joy. We think its joy but there's not true joy inside there. We think because we have arrived, and make millions of dollars, you're successful. That's not true, that's just money.
Phil: You had it all. You got the money, you got the fame, and everybody knew who you were. You couldn't go down the street without people wanting to get an autograph. You could have any woman you wanted so you're telling me that alone, that didn't give you the true freedom that you were after?
Darryl: No.
Phil: Come on man, really?
Darryl: I'm telling you right now Phil, it does not give you the true freedom. When you see celebrities and you see the success of their lives, you see the unhappiness of their life. When you look at Hollywood, you see so many of them are mismatched with each other. Switch it over because I can't stay with this because she doesn't fulfill me. I can't stay with him, he doesn't fulfill me. It's true. Then when you see the athletes who are successful, millions of dollars and you find them running around trying to have this woman, that woman, whatever woman. They try to fill the empty void because they have everything.
You live behind a big community gate, they're great. On the golf course but still there's something deep down inside with people, with money and no purpose, there's no joy.
Phil: Isn't that wild? Where does the true freedom come from if it doesn't come from everything we just named?
Darryl: The true freedom comes from Jesus Christ. When I came and surrendered my life thirteen years ago, from the bottom of the pit, and was raised up by Jesus Christ, I became an ordained minister, preacher of the gospel. John 14:6 talks about it, Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me." If you don't know him, you don't know the Father and you don't know the real purpose of this creation. This creation was greater than anything else.
Even being as successful as I am today with treatment centers, Jesus is number one. God is first in my life, my wife is second and my kids are third. The business, the money and the things, He's just loaning it to me because I can't stay here. I'm in a clear understanding of knowing the purpose of life and why I'm here. That's what Romans 8:28 talks about, it says, "And we know all things work together for the good and that we love the Lord who knows what calls according to his purpose." When we can understand that, there's a greater purpose for your life.
Phil: I want to thank you so much for sharing this message. I think this hits home with so many people because I teach people how to become financially free through real estate, but being financially free doesn't provide that true freedom that you're sharing. I think you're the perfect example because you had it all. If anybody in this world knows where the true freedom comes from, it's someone who has been in your shoes. Man, thank you so much for sharing this message.
Darryl: Thanks for having me. I tell you, the real power, like you said, I had it all but the real power is knowing who Christ is.
Phil: Amen, thanks Darryl.
Darryl: Thanks.
Chris Tucker
Phil: Meet Chris Tucker. He's a movie star, talk about some of the films you've been in.
Chris: You might have seen Rush Hour, one of my first movies , Friday, Fifth Element, Money Talks, Dead Presidents. A few, I did a few.
Phil: You've been in some music videos, been on some television.
Chris: Done a lot.
Phil: Take us to, I know you're still just at the height of your career, a slice of life, of everything you got access to as a movie star.
Chris: As a movie star, you get a lot of privilege. You get in places, you get a lot of people recognizing you, they treat you nice, and you see the nice side of people. That's part of movies that I love, you see the nice side of people. You don't see the mean side that often. You get a lot, you get a lot of privileges, it's a blessing.
Phil: You get a lot of coin too, right? A lot of money.
Chris: You get a lot of money and you get money, you get ... Yeah. You get a lot of whatever you want, you can probably get it.
Phil: With the fact that you can have whatever you want, people are nice to you, did that give you the true freedom in life?
Chris: No, it didn't. At first, you think it does with dreaming all your life to be successful and buy something for yourself or for your parents. I think that's probably motivational. You still feel empty inside as if something's missing, you feel like something's missing.
Phil: Isn't that wild?
Chris: You keep searching for that.
Phil: Even all that, there's still something inside that's missing huh?
Chris: It definitely is. For me, it was God, it was Jesus Christ and God. I was raised at the church and then of course I went out into the world. Pursued my career, reared away but then things got ... I was looking for strength, for freedom, happiness and all this stuff, and also go to the next level. I knew the only person who could do it was God and guide me, give me that ultimate freedom and fulfillment was God. A lot of people didn't understand it, I knew that and it would be some risk taking in this world.
Phil: Sure, sure your career, yeah.
Chris: I knew that God, if I followed His teachings and everything, that I would be all right no matter what. That gave me true happiness following God and true freedom of being a Christian.
Phil: Isn't that wild?
Chris: That overall, all the fame, the money, all that other stuff didn’t free me the way that God could.
Phil: Chris, thank you so much for sharing that wisdom. There are so many people out there that are trying to learn how to get rich from me. I'm doing the best I can to teach them but ultimately all that wealth, which can give all kinds of privilege as you're sharing, the perfect test case. If anybody can be a test case, it's you. Even that alone just leaves you empty without Jesus.
Chris: That's right, that's right. You need Him and maybe He can help you get rich too. When you make money, you realize it's not everything. You need more, you need more and God fulfills that.
Phil: Appreciate you brother.
Chris: Thank you, yes sir.
I hope you enjoyed those special guests. As you can see, true freedom comes from Jesus Christ so thank you so much for watching this video. To learn more about Him, I want to encourage you to go to church. Now I go to a church that are part of Every Nation Ministries, They’ve got churches all over the world and they're a wonderful ministry. There are a lot of great churches out there so go to church to learn more about Jesus Christ. That's where you're going to find true freedom. If you want to learn more about what we're doing to help people with financial freedom, head over to
Thank you I deeply appreciate the video and all
the information received .. Im
driven and ready to learn I
believe God sent me in your
direction so I’m able to provide for my family being a single mom and grandma raising children.
Thanks Phil!!
That was an awesome video. It reminds me how we should all be humbled. I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and wish to begin my adventure in real estate. I’m not knew to this subject, so hopefully my past experiences will help make it a bit easier.
Great video Phil… I’m glad to hear you talk about TRUE freedom… that was awesome… It just shows why you are the way that you are… Continue in all your good work… God Bless!
Thanks for being real. This is a message that our country needs to hear.
Keep up the good work!
We appreciate you!!
J Edwards
Hi Phil,
I understand that you’re trying to send a positive message, but the premise you base it on is a faulty one. You said that these people could have any women because of some fame and millions of dollars. Well, here’s a news flash for you: not all women are! Sure, you can buy a prostitute for a night with money, but most women have their preferences and tastes far beyond money and fame.
Also, since you’re talking about True Freedom, you should know that fame doesn’t provide, but rather limits freedom. Yes, it can provide a boost for an insecure person with a low self-esteem, but the loss of privacy it comes with limits your freedom of movement and expression (sometimes contractually).
Phil – Amazing, again and again – as a student in your program, the WAY OF CHRIST as taught us in the Bible, well, therein lies the “hunger”! Not a hunger for material things, but the spiritual connection – there is no better “teamwork” than the work of the Holy Spirit through His people. All, each is important to God – and knowing that I am a child of God, well, humbleness and gratefulness predominates, because He is the one in control and His design is so perfect. Thank you, Phil, for helping so many of us keep our hearts and minds focused not only to be fed and ease the “hunger” but to help us in the process, to be whole in Chirst, to be happy and fulfilled! Wow –
Amen. Four years ago my life was in the toilet. I lost my home, truck, job, and almost lost my wife. To top things off I spent 10 months in county jail. While I was in jail I got back on track and found the Lord. He got me back on track and while I was there my cell mate and myself started a Bible study for the other inmates. I have been out 4 years, I got my real estate license, found a broker that offered me a position even though I spent some time in jail. God has gotten my wife and I back together and we our finally getting our life back on track. There is much more to my story but I will end it there right now. Thank you for what you do. God is good. I am truly blessed.
This was one of the best video you displayed.
May God bless you for proclaiming his name
All these stars are so right all happiness come from Jesus Christ
AMEN! I invite you to my church Fountain of Love Christian Center—-where everything you need is all in the fountain: Pastor Jarron O’Neal is currently teaching a series on Renewing the Mind. Jesus has given all those who believe in Him the power to do just that, renew your mind and discover the peace, joy, and good success that God predestined you to have!. Thanks, Phil, for sharing the testimonies of Strawberry and Tucker!
Well timed video Phil especially during these troubling times alot of people need to hear that message. Amen to that.
Hi Phil! Thanks for the video – haven’t seen you for a couple of years – your hair is going grey!
Tania . A devoted British follower!
I’ve been following your instruction in the field of real estate investing; and certainly I commend you for sharing such excellent knowledge. Suffice it to say I have (and continue) to learn a great deal. But let me say, this is your most awesome and outrageously exciting “wealth webinar”, because not only do you specify the origin and continued source of true freedom, but you point every listener toward the only place where one can establish an eternal account and to which we can deposit eternal riches. His name is Jesus Christ, our soon returning King! Remember this…”you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the power and ability to get riches. So that He may establish His covenant…” Deuteronomy 8:18. That is God’s mentoring program in a “nut shell”! Phil…well done good and faithful servant.
I’m very happy for my brothers finding there way to Jesus Christ, especially Darryl. I used to hear of is ups and downs when he was playing. I believe its better to find true freedom before financial freedom but unfortunately its never in that order. I’m a christian who is seeking financial freedom and I hope that when it comes it doesn’t change me and i’ll be able to help others do the same.
Great video! This definitely confirmed your credibility.
Wow!!! Speaking the truth in love. May the Lord bless you for your boldness to proclaim the gospel message. My respect for Christ in you just soared my brother. I pray that I can work with you someday; it is my prayer – the Lord’s will be done. Thank you for using your platform for His glory and bringing the message that leads to eternal life. Bless you, bless you, bless you!
Thank you Phil!
Amen! Exactly what I needed to remember! Thank you for reminding us we need to trust in God! I promise to to good and help others when I become successful! God bless!
Great job Phil, I have learned so much from your work. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths (Prov. 3:5,6). Keep up the God work!
Awesome segment, Phil! Thank you for sharing who you truly are – a compassionate Christian.
I am blown away, out of all my searching for the right mentor in this RE career Phil I am pleased to have wit messed what I just did. I am an electrician by trade (on the road alott) n I am the pstr of “The Jesus Saves Ministry, Inc .. located in Statesville NC . The reason I desire this so much is because I won’t to bless people n to b able to give myself fully to my ministry, wifie, children, n grands n last but not least b very financially stable. Please help me.
HAAAA!!! LOVED IT!…My man Phil laid it out there; what we all really need is to realize when we get everything we want, everything won’t be enough! True contentment is only found in connecting and helping others.
I greatly appreciate your passion and knowledge regarding real estate. But most significantly, your approach and personal delivery is what is “a breath of fresh air.”
Being a Christian myself, and watching your latest video regarding freedom, you also demonstrated that there is more to life than money, which is the primary reasons so many are getting involved in programs such as this, in the first place.
Your genuine excitement, happiness, kindness, and passion comes out and really lets others know you want to help and possibly improve their lives, with some hard work of course.
So Thank You and God Bless You…. Because life is far more than money, it is making a difference and appreciating what you have. Happiness is a mindset not an material item.
Great interviews!! Love to hear others speak of the Lord our God. Its true material things and even people cannot fill the soul.
If its in Gods will Real Estate will be my next chapter(s) in my life.
This is true happiness.
That’s awesome! Reminds me of that story in the bible of the Samarian woman at the well. Jesus told her whoever drinks water from the well shall thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that He gives us will never thirst. He is our ultimate satisfaction!
Wow totally unexpected.. I thought I was getting another celebrity back endorsement video of why your “product” works but I receive something greater the word of Jesus Christ! Thank you brother in Christ.
Great video Phil! Most people think that money brings happiness and freedom. I believe that if you are unhappy with money you will be unhappy with money.
Be blessed for the courage you took to share this video with your followers.May the Lort remembers yiuy for that
I hate to break it to you but you lost my intellectual respect with this video…what a bunch of irrational crap from these guys…they had personal challenges and refuse to take control of their own life…having a talent and money doesn’t make you a financial freedom whizkid…
I think you miss the point of the video. Phil demonstrates in this video the differences between financial freedom and spiritual freedom. These are testimonies from very successful and wealthy men who reach levels in their career that many people will never reach. But even thru their accomplishments and their achievements they discovered that money could not truly bring them happiness. The purpose of this video is that Jesus Christ set us free. (John 8:31-36)
Great Videos. JESUS IS LORD.
I like your response to the person wanting to challenge God with such sad desire. I made a challenge to God many years ago concerning money and told Him I would serve after 10 years. That was over 40 years ago and I and my family are still being set free in every area of our lives from such a foolish desire.
God bless you in your ministry and business.
Thank you for being an entrepreneur and Christian who recognizes where freedom, blessings, purpose and peace come from!!!!
Hey Phil,
Great video as always BUT I don’t know how much I believe these two. I can’t believe wealth won’t make me happy. In fact, I made God a challenge. If he’s almighty and wealth won’t make me happy, give me wealth and see what I do with it. If God send me wealth and I’m not happy, then I can trust Gods word. I wonder if God will take on my challenge or back down
Perhaps He already knows what would happen and He loves you too much to do that to you 🙂 Wealth has ruined many lives. It may be hard to believe but just watch documentaries on past lottery winners. Many people can’t handle being wealthy. Darryl and Chris attest to the fact that you won’t get True Freedom from being enormously rich.
Deuteronomy 8:18 “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
But to understand this covenant you must FIRST enter a relationship With Christ Jesus. And why you ask?
1. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
2. We All need to be Forgiven of OUR sin.
2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
That is only the beginning…
From a Former DJ who was in the bar every weekend drunk, adulterer, bankrupt fool who should be divorced, with out my children without my home and loss of ALL my possessions. Yet BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND A REATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST/ EVERYTHING IS STILL IN TACT. YES EVRYTHIING HAS TAKEN A HIT BUT YET STILL STANDS!
How? by entering a Covenant/ Relationship with Christ…That My Friend Is Wealth!
K Smith…you shouldn’t be challenging God, you should be challenging yourself. You are responsible for your lot in life not God. God gave you a free will and what you decide to do with it is up to you. Rather than challenging God get on your knees and pray to Him and His Son Jesus for guidance.
Your tone in your comment is full of pride and that is one of the great sins. You are challenging God just like Satan did when he fell from grace. I will pray for you and ask Jesus to come into your heart and strip you of your pride. Only then will you know your true path. Wealth doesn’t get you to heaven, it’s what you do with it that does. Helping other people less fortunate. Donating to charities and other causes. God Bless You!
Phil’ thank you so much for that awesome testimony. Have so many self made millionaire Real Estate investors in media, I had to make a choice simply because you cannot follow everyone. So I choose you as one of my you tube mentors and the real reason exemplifies this video, you have compassion.
I have witness it in your presentations times without number. It was your passion of what you do and your expressions show that each and every time.
Continue success Phil and may God continue to use you for his purpose.
Sherman Peters
Info Real Investors
Rancho Cucamonga CA