Discover the best way to pass on a skill that will bless your children for the rest of their lives. Teach your kids to invest in real estate. Not by force, but with good, old fashioned, parenting that draws the next generation in by getting them to want to learn how to be real estate investors.
Once kids reach a certain age, they recognize that money has value. By explaining how real estate is a better place to spend their piggy bank savings than at the local Toys-R-Us, kids quickly find out that they can buy many more toys when they own rental property because it pays them money each month. This lesson is illustrated through my 6 year old daughter and her first rental property, Alexa's Beach Bungalow. May this inspire you to teach your kids to invest in real estate:
How to Teach Your Kids to Invest in Real Estate
I want to share with you a special message about how to teach your kids to invest in real estate. My daughter recently asked me how much money she had in her piggy bank, because she wanted to buy a new toy from the store. I took this as an opportunity to explain to her that investing the money could buy a lot more toys. Her investments could pay her back the money in her piggy bank if she purchased assets.
Vacation Rental
My daughter already knew that an asset was something that puts money back in your pocket, so I further explained that Real estate is an asset. I had recently purchased and renovated a house that had a small bungalow on the property that I had considered making into a vacation rental. I was in the process of drawing up the plans to turn it into a one bedroom vacation rental when I had this conversation with my daughter.
Her First Investment
Alexa decided that she wanted to turn her piggy bank into real estate so I decided to take her through the process of real estate investing. We strategized what needed to be done with the property, what the contractor needed to do, as well as the way a closing waits. I also taught her about property management and Alexa became very excited about the entire process.
Make it Fun
The goal should be for the child to WANT to go through the process. My daughter wanted to learn more about how much money she had so she could purchase more toys. I simply mentioned the idea about investing and it was her idea to actually participate in real estate investing. That is the key with kids, they have to want to do it.
The Results
The results turned out fantastic as you can see in the video above. Alexa participated and learned every step of the year and it was a truly bonding experience. I am proud to announce that her bungalow is up and running, so if you are interested in staying please visit .
Hey, wanna be friends.
I am love real estate too, and can I have some Advice while Im still learning..:)
Very cool!
Love how involved she became and how proud of the project Alexa is. This will be the very start of her real estate addiction!
Well done guys. Love it.
Oh wow…!!! This is so beautiful. You can tell she had so much through the entire process, and the beach house turned out so beautifully 😚😍😍. This young lady is will be a serious property mogul before she turns 18. This is the kind of education we need in schools, not an education system based on memorising unnecessary theories. This is real life education, based on practice and actual learning of real life lessons that will take this young one very far in life. I’m so inspired!
Nice job Phil and Great job Alexa!!
What about the parents that can’t afford to invest. As a widow I think it’s great but don’t have the means.
This is awesome.. Great job!
absolutely adorable!
Awesome job. God bless!
Alexis….what special knowledge you are learning from Dad!! Just amazing Phil…I loved everything about this video!!
Very inspirational, I love the spirit…. Keep the good work Phil..
Great job on the house tour!
Alexis, I love your Bungalow!!! You are such a smart young lady:) Great job Dad, I have a 7 year old, so I’m sure that filming the video and maintaing focus was “fun”. This is a great inspiration for me and my 7 year old daughter. Thanks for this amazing post!
Awesome, I love how she was taught to save her money as opposed to the piggy bank being empty, trying to instill this into younger children in my life
Phil U R an excellent parent.U taught Alexa how 2 spend her piggy bank money in investing and buying her own house at this tender age.Small amount of money well spent and Alexa already has her home WOW amazing.NO BANKs involved – no more BAIL OUT for THE FAILING BANKS with our hard earned tax money going down the drains and no more paying interests to the banks.GREAT JOB by both of U.
Love this Phil you and Alexa are amazing. God Bless you both! Start early….
She seems very acer tagine of what she needs to do…Very Good
Love it! Nicely done, in several ways
You are awesome instructor!!!. I appreciate you skill and experience in the Real-estate market.
I love it … Exactly my dream for my kids. Great job, Phil.
Amazing. A star to follow. She will be a fantastic mentor! Brilliant introduction to the world of finance.
She is so cute….. she will be an expert by time she is 16 she is learning from the best.
God bless
Wow! I have an 11 tear old that I have to get educated along with myself!
You did a great job in explaining the things in your bungolo. Keep up the good work that you is doing and very soon you will be very rich like your dad. You have no choice but to get better and better as you apply real estate daily. I which my daughter had a rental property. Your dad is a Awesome man. He wants you to be very successful. Smart and debt free. Which is a lot better than 95 percent of people who still have a job and no vision. I am very proud of you. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. You is already a superstar in my book.
Alexa is doing an excellent job in learning the real estate investing business. Excellent!
Great job Phil, very impress with you passing on the skill to your child.
Great video.. She’s too cute. She did really good
Love it. Inspires me to make a stronger effort to teach my own kids.
Waow she blows my mind
This video was awesome. Teach them while they are young.