You're about to discover an incredibly simple tip that will help you sell your house quick. Shockingly, very few real estate agents and investors use this technique despite how easy it can be to do and how effective it can be to lure buyers to your property over the competition. Instead, many use an old, antiquated approach that yields little to no results. Don't expect something complicated. It's more like enlightened common sense. Here's your simple tip on how to sell you house quick...
What is this Simple Tip?
Take a VIDEO of the property. I know it is a pretty simple tip, more like common sense. A virtual tour link is a group of images that move like a slideshow or a live video feed tour of a home with music playing in the background. This video is linked to a listing and can be used by homeowners trying to sell or real estate investors/agents.
When video was first being introduced into the mainstream they called them picture-shows. Basically what the movie was, is a bunch of pictures moving very fast. Thankfully, nowadays anyone can shoot a video or create a slideshow using their camera phone, or a decently priced camera. Let's review my tips below to help you sell your house quick!
Property Filming Tips
What most people do is hold the camera vertically upright. What you should do is actually flip the camera horizontally, grasping the camera with one hand and pushing the play button on the side of the phone. Now your phone can act as a video camera, with the horizontal view showing more of the home. If you shake the camera a lot, it will give the viewer a headache, so BE SMOOTH! Create long, slow, drawn out movements with the camera. Beware that sometimes cell phone cameras create pretty big files, so you might not be able to get it all in the same take.
Editing the Video
Editing is a crucial part of filming your property. It will ensure smooth transition from one room to the next. Mac laptops has imovie that works as an editor. I also like to use CAMTASIA which allows a free trial for 30 days. You can take your photos of each room and put them together as a clean-cut video.
Post it Somewhere
It is really easy to put the video on a video server that can be viewed from a cell phone or computer. I recommend either Youtube or Vimeo. Name the video the address of the property so if someone is searching for your property it pops up easily.
Upsides to adding a Video Tour
First of all, you are able to sell the best features of the house to every person that is potentially looking at it. Before, the real estate agent would be the one selling the property so they do not always know all of the great features. Now, potential buyers can look online first at a virtual tour before scheduling to see it. This can really help you sell your house faster! The video acts as a sales pitch for the best features of the home. Point out the nicest parts and omit any negative ones. If you point out the main features people will notice them more when touring.
Thank you very much for this amazing tip, Phil. I can’t wait to put it to use once I buy my first investment property
Thank you Phil for this awesome tip! Free too! Thanks again for sharing great information.
Your downright amazing. Not only are you (free) videos informative and beneficial, your actually pretty entertaining to watch and listen too. Thanks for giving of your knowledge and experience.
Nothing brand new here, BUT it is a reminder of the “Virtual Tour” and how effective it is.
Phil sets out on a step by step video on how to put “your own tour” together and where it
needs to be uploaded to, to capture the most eyeballs. He suggest labeling the tour by
the address of the property. Additionally, one might even add an entry into a development.
Undeveloped land/lots could certainly benefit by a tour. Not brand new, but this does
remind us about making a complete product for very little effort or costs with equipment
we all have in our hands all day long. Thanks Phil.
This is good idea. I am selling my condo in Branford, CT Iisted it with the agent for 3 months with no buyer interested. Condo is a good area with view of the river. This video idea is great I can market this in Yale University.
Thanks Phil.
Phil, your video idea sounds like a great one! I’ll put it on my list of DO things. God Bless. — John Davis
I really enjoyed watching your video example and I am actually practicing holding my cellphone without all that movement so not to make my viewers dizzy.
I found a home that I am planning on buying for my first investment. I will take a video of it.
Thank you
1)That is a great is tip. 2) That would be a great for a real estate class or course.
Hi Phil,
Great advice on shooting a digital file (“video”) on your house that you want to sell. You mentioned several editing platforms which are always nice to have. In case people are not aware most cell phone cameras will allow you to do internal editing when shooting a digital file. I have a Samsung Android 4 phone and works very well for internal editing when creating a video file. If a editing platform is needed for any reason, most Window PC Users have “Windows Live Movie Maker” which will allow you to edit your pictures or video clips in the editor. You can even add music. Just make sure the music is roalty free. It’s very easy to import them (pictures, video clips, music) into the editor and then you can render out a new digital file. You can even render a new file out in High Definition. I currently use this editing platform. It’s a crude editor but it works. It even has limited effects you can use if you want to provide more production value.
Also, when uploading digital files to YouTube you have the option to allow advertising or not (if you signed up for the Ad Sense). I have some videos on my YouTube channel that have advertising and other videos I chose not to add the advertising. You may already know this but since you brought it up in your video, I just want to make sure people are aware of this. By the way, Firefox browser is better to use for viewing YouTube videos. Internet Explorer sucks.
I have a lot of experience in creating moving pictures, having worked professionally in Production and Post Production as a Producer.
Keep the great videos coming. They are very educational.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Love it Phil. Thanks for your help.!!
Good tip, Phil.
Hey Phil, Thank you for your video on how to sell a house quickly, using video. This is wonderful. I’m getting my nerve up to buy my first home and sell it. I have studied some Charlton Sheets info. Had some horror stories that me and my husband have experienced, loosing a lot of money. I didn’t have a mentor, just the tapes and written material. Held onto properties too long. Not Mr. Sheets fault. I can look back and see my mistakes now, since I have been viewing your tapes. Sorry I can not afford your program at this time. Maybe after I sell my first property I can afford your program, if you’ll have me. I’m soaking this info up. Have a lot of faith in you and your information. We too are Christians and am praying, for guidance from the Lord. We could have lost our marriage, but Jesus kept us together and our love for each other. Thanks for your help. Jesus Bless You. Sharon
Awesome strategy, thanks Phil!
Thanks Phil,
This a great idea and my wife and I will being using it. We are going to put our house on the market next month and need leverage, and I think this is it. We love and enjoy your videos and are currently reading your book, you have sparked a definite interest in us . Once we get settle in, I think you will be hearing from us. Have a great New Year.
MIke and Donna
I really enjoy watching your videos. You always pack so much excitement, passion, & energy into each one!! It’s
a whole lot more interesting to listen to a speaker or preacher that believes in the message he is giving to his audience!
I never thought about using videos to sell your home; it’s an excellent idea!! Thanks for sharing this.
I also thought the “virtual tour” was really lame. Thanks for sharing your video tip, I’m going to make a first draft right now.
I also thought the “virtual tour” was really lame. Thanks for sharing your video tip, I’m going to make a first draft right now.
Phil, Ive seen this done but how do you post this link, as Im no tech wiz. Thanks Again for some very useful information.
Whereever you can. Maybe even the Description Notes field?
I liked the video – great idea A comment about the house video put a map with it to show the location of the property a birds eye view ( from a satellite ) to show the area is also a good idea .
Hi this is nice video great tip,
I just wondered where do you get the background music from?
Have a great day,
Google “royalty free music”
I love your videos! I want to start flipping houses.. I am a Home Stager and Redesign homes, too.
Thanks for all you share for ‘free’!
Hi Phil I your fan I learned so much from you
Thank you for your great information. I greatly anticipate your training videos. I find that you are one of the best sources of information in regards to Real Estate Investing that I have ever found.
Great tip hell I do that everytime.
Good tips
What a great idea! Thank you for all you ideas in order to help us investors/Realtors up our game. I am one of your followers and look forward to the next training session. This is going to be a great year to implement and make a change to make a good income.
Great tip. Nice job. What about staging? Do you think someone should do that before shooting the video? Would help the potential buyer envision living there a little better.
Definitely it helps sell it and helps with the video. But staging is usually quite expensive so the house price has to be way up there for me to justify paying for staging service.
Oohhhh, Yes you are right. Simple Technique, I am going to try this, with my rentals, and property for sale. I wonder if i can post a video on craigs list, maybe a link , I will figure it out. i am going to try it. I watch all your videos, I have to say, you have a very personable vibe about you, and I like your suggestions. I live in California, but my parents live in your city, i am familiar with your area, played on the beach as a kid there.
Thank you for posting so much on You Tube. I enjoy your videos
DEFINITELY you can post the link to the video in your Craigslist ads. Absolutely.
Hi, Phil your tips great as always. I am fond of your seminar in Las Vegas that I took a couple years ago. However, I am fully invested Investo of 20 years or more. Tony
Awesome example of the video as well as the narrative thnx for the help
Nice video Phil. One thing I have done with Youtube video’s is just put them in the Realtor only remarks. The MLS does not seem to care as long as the Youtube video is not in the public area. But Vimeo is a good idea too because ulitmately you want the public to view it. Also after you sell the house, you can still rebrand the video by re-titling and re-tagging it so that you can market other services.
How would you direct traffice to the video?
do you have any suggestions on how to get an exclusive website
and domain name free or very cheap for every listing?
John (Giovanni )
You can buy the URL of the property address and forward the domain to the video but that may be more trouble than it is worth. When you post the property for sale or rent on the MLS or Craigslist, etc, just provide a link to the video so that in addition to the pictures, they can also see a video of the property.
Great info. I believe a video can be a valuable tool for rental property also. Just add a youtube link to the rental listing.
On a side note I use the PowerDirector11 software that is also very easy to use. You can buy the older versions for about $50. (Don’t need the latest and greatest software to put simple videos together.)
Great tip. Thanks for sharing.
Phil, just a tip for you to save some time and make money. We pay $350 to a professional video shooter to shoot video, add music and upload it to the website, also he makes professional photos too.
Don’t know how long it takes u to do the video, driving to the property and uploading it, if all takes 2 hours of your time you are paying yourself for this work less that $125/hr, which is less than 250k per year. But it’s worth it for people that want to make 250k year
I haven’t found a person in my area who knows as much about real estate and how to narrate a video and communicate the correct things on the video for that amount. Congrats on finding someone who can perform all those things for $350. I also use that video trip as my final walk through with the contractor so I am already at the house. Somethings in business are difficult to wisely outsource. This is one of those items. But if you have figured out how to do it, more power to you!
Phil, I really like the information that you provide to help agents and folks that are interested in investing in Real Estate. I’m going to try the video shoot, will let you know how it goes! Thanks for some great info!