From Farm and Land Realtor Magazine...
One Investor's Nightmare
I hesitate to make a list
Of all the countless deals I've missed.
Bonanzas that were in my grip-
I watched through my fingertips slip;
The windfalls which I should have bought
Were lost because I over-thought;
I thought of this, I thought of that,
I could have sworn I smelled a rat.
And while I thought things over twice
Another grabbed them at the price.
It seems I always hesitate,
Then make up my mind much too late,
A very cautious man I am
And that is why I never buy.
How Nassau and how Suffolk grew!
North New Jersey! Staten Island too!
When others culled those sprawling farms
And welcomed deals with open arms-
A corner here, ten acres there,
Compounding values year by year
I chose to think and as I thought
They bought the deals I should have bought.
The golden chances I had then
Are lost and will not come again.
Today I cannot be enticed
For everything's so overpriced.
The deals of yerteryear are dead;
The market's soft-and so's my head.
Last night I had a fearful dream
I know I wakened with a scream;
Some Indians approached my bed-
For trinkets on the barrelhead
(In dollars worth twenty-four
And nothing less and nothing more)
They'd sell Manhattan Isle to me,
The most I'd go was twenty-three.
The redman scowled: "Not on a bet!"
And sold to Peter Minuit.
At times a teardrop drowns my eye
For deals I had, but did not buy;
And now life's saddest words I pen-
"If only I'd invested then!"
Paralysis of analysis.
That is me to the core, I’m so afraid of really messing up that I think and think and think until it’s gone. Now I just want to do and learn as much as I can on the way to freedom. Thanks!!!!!