Discover 4 powerful books that can drastically improve your financial life. They are not currently on the New York Times bestsellers list. In fact, you may not have ever heard of some of them. But the wisdom, the signal, the truth that is in these literary treasures can have an immediate and lasting impact on your economic world. I still refer back to these 4 books, some as long as 10 or more years later, because they are that good. May these books bless your financial life as much as they have mine.
Four Books That Can Drastically Improve Your Financial Life
These four books can have a tremendous impact on your economic world. You can go back to them time and time again throughout the years and continuously draw out new distinctions. You will see things you didn't see the first time as your life perspective changes. I recommend highlighting and underlining the lessons you learn on a Kindle device or physical book, so that you can go back and skim through them months, or years later. You can go to those highlighted sections and redraw out some of the lessons you've learned, and some of the things you may have forgotten.
Many people recommend that you read a new book each week, but I believe it is not about how many books you read, it's about the quality of the books that you read and how you implement what you learn into your own life. You cannot just simply drive down the road listening to an audio and hear a good thought, and then move on. You must put what you learn into practice.
Book 1: The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley
The Millionaire Mind is simply the best personal finance book ever written. There are many great books out there by authors like Robert Kiyosaki and Dave Ramsey. I have a video that compares those two authors and their philosophies called Personal Finance Wisdom You'll hear Nowhere Else.
I just honestly believe that nothing else compares to the financial truth you will discover reading The Millionaire Mind. Professor Thomas J. Stanley of Georgia State university based the book off of his very intense research. He met with hundreds of true world millionaires and interviewed them about their lives. When I first read this book I was homeless over 16 years ago in Nashville, Tennessee. I borrowed the book from a library and it impacted my life dramatically. I have actually read this book multiple times, because it contains an amazing amount of wisdom.
If you haven't read, The Millionaire Mind, I recommend you read this book and underline the wisdom that you learn, because you can go back to the book years later and have new insight as you reread it. It is that powerful.
Book 2: Getting Things Done by David Allen
If you have watched some of my YouTube videos, you might have heard me reference this book before. This is the secret behind how I am able to get so much done in a day. I am often asked, "How do you do it all, Phil? How do you run an entire real estate empire and mentor people all across North America? How do you put these videos together and still have time to go fishing, surfing, plus spend time with your family?" I have four small children ages seven, five, three, and nine months old.
So how do I find the time to manage all of my responsibilities each day? This book is my secret weapon! David Allen is a full blown certified genius who developed a system to manage all of your responsibilities. He discovered this system by studying the fact that CEOS and other high capacity leaders were just as frazzled as everyone else around them. They had a long todo list of things they needed to accomplish, and David figured out a way to manage it all and still have some time for yourself.
This book is in the vernacular of Christianity, and almost canonical. In fact, his book is so full of useful information, that I reread it every single year. I am constantly trying to master what David teaches. He also has a newer, updated version of the book that just came out. So even if you have read it before, you should download the latest version for even greater insight.
Book 3: Boundaries by Henry Cloud
This book might be one that you have not heard of before. Book 2 will teach you how to get everything done and manage your life more efficiently. Book 3 Boundaries will help frame what you do based on priorities and boundaries you set up in your life.
Once you read the introduction of this book you will be hooked because it will be describing your life and the madness that goes along with trying to juggle everything. It is an absolutely fantastic book and a necessary read to fully implement the system in Getting Things Done.
You must read Boundaries because David Allen doesn't actually tell you what to do first, second or third. That is not his responsibility. Book 3 will help you utilize what you've learned, by providing a greater framework of what you are putting first, second, third or fourth, based on his methodology.
I would suggest reading both Book 2 and Book 3 in conjunction, because they go hand and in hand in helping you become a more efficient and productive individual. Boundaries will not only help you become more proficient, it will also help you stop doing things you shouldn't do.
Every single person, both successful and non-successful, has the exact same amount of time in each day. It is our great equalizer. The difference between a successful and non-successful person is how they spend their time. Successful people are constantly finding ways to maximize their time. Getting Things Done and Boundaries will give you the tools needed to execute at the same level of productivity as the most successful people in the world. If you learn to master the techniques in these two books you will get there!
Book 4: Re-Work by Jason Fried
If you go a little further into the global idea of becoming a millionaire, this book will help you implement the best business approach. I often see people waste their time on useless actions that produce no results. This book will help you clarify what you need to be doing when you are starting a small business.
I personally believe that creative real estate investing and flipping houses is the greatest small business in America. But whether that is the business you are in or not, if you are going to become a millionaire, you are probably going to start a business at some point. This book teaches you what to focus on and more importantly what you should not focus on.
I see a lot of people sitting around, twiddling their thumbs, worrying about the look of their business cards. Well I have news for you, I don't have business cards! The idea that you have to do a ton of stuff upfront before you can actually make results happen in business is foolish. Rework is a fast read, but has many details that I would recommend highlighting on your Kindle or paperback. It will help you understand the most important business actions needed to be successful.
Rework is a great business tool and something I wish I'd read when I first got started. I believe that if the book had been around back then, I wouldn't have ended up homeless. It is simply that powerful and an absolutely fantastic read.
I hope that this list has been incredibly fruitful for you. If you have any questions about these books or personal finance in general, feel free to leave a comment below. I always try to carve out some time in my schedule to answer questions. And if you would like to learn more about real estate investing specifically, I encourage you to watch my videos on Youtube. I give away powerful information for free that can help answer many real estate investing questions.
If you have already watched my videos, and are struggling to become a real estate investor, you are not alone. Real estate investing is not easy. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. I provide an apprenticeship program where my team and I mentor real estate investors one on one. We guide our students through the entire investing process and have invented techniques on how to do creative real estate deals, that no other organization knows.
Many organizations claim that the secret to real estate is that there aren't any secrets. This is completely false, in fact, we have secret techniques that can help you become a real estate success. Part of the business of real estate is knowing what other people don't and we have some of that wisdom. I don't even share these secrets on my blogs and videos because it would ruin it for the ones that do know about it.
Great video. I wrote the books down, and getting on Amazon when I finish this comment. Phil, I applied for your apprentice program and one of your counselors called me about a day later. I’m impressed. The more videos I watch and the more information I read, the more excited and motivated I feel. Thanks Phil, good job!
I’m truly thankful for this video and, things will change. Thanks again.
Thanks so much. Keep up the great works. Thanks again.
Thanks for your guidance on so much stuff. You are an outstanding presenter. Keep up the good work.
Hi Phil, i have read your book and watch your video as well. What is my next step?
Consider reading all four books mentioned in this article. It will help you develop the mindset of an Investor.
great video and advice thanks
Thank you phill.
Great advise Thank you
Hi Phil, I’ve known about you for some time now and I enjoyed your videos and information and the books that you mentioned I have to admit they are new to me. I will make them a part of my book resource.
Thank you again for what you bring to the online community.
Happy to know you and your family are safe. I pray that your properties were not affected.
Thanks Phil.
I just ordered three books. I had the GTD by David Allen
Stay save because of IRMA Storm.
Once again thank you
Thanks Phil! Although i read 2 of these books but its good to reread it again.Keep it up mentor!
I just ordered all these books. I love your videos. You’re genuine and giving. Thanks for being an example of Christ’s love.
Thank you Phil for all your words of encouragement and wisdom. I’m a new Wholesaler and still trying to find my first deal on contract. I appreciate your tips and recommendations on books, too.
Thank youuuuuuuu!!!! Phil.
I can’t wait go get these books and start reading.
Hi, Phil,
Thanks a lot for all this mind opening advice and lessons you provide.
Hallelujah,Phil I just watched the videos “Drastically Improve Your Financial Life”. Blessed is a Man that has found his Work
Love it, thank you
Thanks Phil!
I became aware of Creative Real Estate Investing through your book, How to be a real estate investor, during a deployment in Iraq. You truly provide great value. That’s not found anywhere else!
THANK YOU, Phil!!!
Interested in the apprentice program
Consider making application to our Apprentice Program.
Hello, Phil,
I have truly enjoyed your videos. To see how easy you deliver real estate knowledge is astonishing.
Thanks, Phil